Is eEvidence compatible with BATV?

Posted on February 7, 2024 • 2 min read • 225 words

Here, we explain what BATV is and why eEvidence is compatible with it.

The BATV protocol, or "Bounce Address Tag Validation," is a security measure used in the world of email to fight spam and enhance the authenticity of messages. When you send an email, and it cannot be delivered to the recipient's mailbox for any reason, the destination server sends you an automatic bounce or rejection email. ⟶ email  ⟶ ↴ ⟵ bounce ⟵  ↲ 

BATV adds a "tag" to that return address to ensure that when receiving a bounce, it can be verified whether it was genuinely generated by the destination system and not by a spammer. This "tag" is unique for each outgoing email. Any bounce message with no "tag" will be identified as spam. ⟶ email  ⟶ ↴ ⟵ bounce ⟵  ↲

(SPAM!) ⟵  fake  ⟵

In simple terms, BATV is like a watermark on your emails, allowing you to be sure they are authentic when they return to your inbox for whatever reason.

Our certified email solution is compatible with BATV: we also aim to enhance the security and legitimacy of your emails.

If you are using BATV or considering its implementation, be aware that specific additional configuration in eEvidence allows for the correct identification of a dynamic sender with a BATV "tag". Request more information about this setting by contacting us.