I am concerned about how my data is being managed by eEvidence in terms of security and data privacy.
Our core business is to secure evidence of the exact contents and successful delivery of email messages. This part of the job is carried out from our datacenter in Barcelona, ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified and with TIER 3 security level (TIA-942).
Keeping fully accessible logs and copies of all evidence files is obviously part of the job, but not our real business. This is why we've partnered with the best in each field.
Storing the evidence receipts with us is optional. When enabled, the files are uploaded to a dedicated and encrypted space at Amazon AWS in Dublin, under EU GDPR legislation. Amazon is certified by the EU-USA Privacy Shield agreement.
Traffic logs are managed from dedicated virtual servers at Google Cloud Platform facilities in Berlin, under EU GDPR legislation. Google is certified by the EU-USA Privacy Shield agreement.